What pupils say:

No matter what grade I get I am grateful that you took the time to help me improve and be better. I definitely wouldn’t have got there without you. 

Thank you for helping me learn French, it was fun.

Photo: Nadia Lavelle

My experience

Over my career I have taught in state secondary schools, both mixed and single sex, independent Prep schools both selective and inclusive and I currently enjoy a volunteer role with KS1 readers in our village primary school. I have loved the joyful variety of educating younger pupils and now see many of the pupils I first taught as senior school students, with families and successful careers of their own.

I’ve worked in school leadership for the best part of 20 years and enabled a great deal of vision to become reality. Running a school is a multimillion pound enterprise combining work in logistics, HR, development, facilities, compliance, Health and Safety, stakeholder management, marketing and community building as well as ensuring first class teaching and learning.

As an inspector for ISI, I enjoyed learning from looking at practice elsewhere. As a school governor, I am committed to giving time to support, affirm and enhance my colleagues’ work.

I’ve enjoyed a parallel career as a writer for the European Theatre Company and offered my skills as a trustee and volunteer in many settings.

Alongside a degree in languages from the University of Oxford, a PGCE from the University of London and three decades of teaching experience, I have collected an up-to-date portfolio of complementary qualifications in Mindfulness, Safeguarding, Health and Safety and have a portable DBS.

Fees 2023 For all tutoring work my fee is £48 per hour.

For consultancy work a project fee will be negotiated.